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Results: 3 projects in tag 'reframing'

Professional /

The Shocking Truth

Sexual exploitation of young people is an urgent issue. Nevertheless, we still face two persistent problems: on the one hand, a lack of awareness and ...

Created by NonStopCollective
Professional /

Kompas Game | Compass Game

Young people from other countries staying in the Netherlands, either legally or illegally, are no less than fourteen times more likely to become a vic ...

Created by NonStopCollective
Professional /


These days, young people come into contact with sex more easily than ever, but they are actually ‘doing it’ later. Sexting has become an interim subst ...

Created by Dawn

Current challenge phase

  • 1 1: Launch
  • 2 2: Concept Deadline
  • 3 3: Improvement
  • 4 4: Presentation
  • 5 5: Execution